Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It is great being back and working with all of the students!

The students will be receiving assignments back tomorrow and Tuesday. It is essential that they return their tests the following day to be filed in their own personal files in the classroom.

1. Review of Units 9-11 in Grammar taken Fri.- please return Tues.

2. Spelling words from our new Ancient Greece section taken Fri. - please return Tues.

3. Rerview strategies 1-3 taken Fri. - please return Tues.

4. Media Literacy test will be returned to both classes once they have all completed the assignment on Mon.- please return Wed.

5. Social Studies test was marked some time ago. On this test sheet the students will be given their project mark as well as their design mark. These will be given to the students to record in their agendas on Monday and will not be sent home. This particular assignment will be filed in their personal files as I will be using information from all of these sources for their report card. Please ask to see their marks in their agendas on Monday!

The students will have told you that we are beginning a new unit on Ancient Greece and that we have been involved in research as well as viewing videos prior to beginning our text work. They have read some informatiuon from text and have generated questions from these sources that we will be addressing while we are studying our unit.