Monday, October 27, 2008

Oct. 27/08

LA - return all Spelling/Grammar tests given today (due Tues)signed by a parent
- Grammar exercises due Wed. Test Fri.
- Paragraph using 10 words from your Grammar exercise- due Wed.
- Read each evening and continue to work on your write ups for the novel
presentation. Presentations will begin next week in class.

SS - students need to hand in additional pictures for our Prehistoric magazine Tue.
(only those students who I spoke to)
- Sk class- complete reading in SS pages 53-55 for Tues class/work to follow.

- Halloween costumes of an appropriate nature (as discussed), may be worn on Fri.
afternoon. Dress up! It is the last time for you to do this in this building!
- Please return Tri-Conference forms.
- Let's try to buy some bricks to build our school house for Africa. Every little
amount helps! With every $20.00 generated, we can place a brick on the school
house for the 8'S!